David Guretzki’s primer on Barth’s Church Dogmatics

David Guretzki, associate professor of theology at Briercrest College and Seminary in Caronport, Saskatchewan, Canada, has written up a “primer on the Church Dogmatics.” The document, available as a PDF on his blog, is designed to introduce Barth to students of theology. In the primer, he lists some “major points to consider in beginning to read the CD.” The list includes:
1. Get an overview.
2. Understand what the Church Dogmatics is.
3. Understand the broad structure and outline of the Church Dogmatics.
4. Understand how the Church Dogmatics works.
5. Read a lot and read a little!
6. Start a Church Dogmatics reading group.
7. Read George Hunsinger’s How to Read Karl Barth: The Shape of His Theology.
8. Remember that Barth wrote a “Church” Dogmatics.
9. Enjoy the Journey!
At the end, Guretzki provides a list of the “top 10” secondary literature on Barth. I highly recommend this short primer. It will serve people who are new to Barth well.


Phil Sumpter said…
As a non-dogmatician wanting to do "dogmatic exegesis" this is vital for me. Barth's concept of the text as "witness" is central to Childs' canonical approach. Thanks for the link.